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The Busy Bus: A Collection of Short Children's Poems

Cook Casper Marsha

The Busy Bus: A Collection of Short Children's Poems

Hardcover (Fideli Publishing Inc. Jan. 14, 2016)

Kids laugh at the strangest things. This funny short-rhyming book is jam-packed with rhymes that will not only entertain children but also the adults reading the poems to them. Here’s one that’s the kids love.

Whose Smelly Socks are those?

Whose smelly socks are those?
The ones over there
The ones with the holes

Whose smelly socks are those?
The ones I squirted
With the garden hose

Whose smelly socks are those?
I don’t know but I suppose
They belong to the one

1604144718 / 9781604144710
8.3 oz.
5.5 x 0.3 in.

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