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Sadge Eyhm

Jorge and His Shy Friends

language ( May 6, 2011) , 1 edition
Friendliness as old saying says, ‘a friend saves life of a friend’. This is very true in real life. Words in letters or through mouth-- we read and hear about heroic deeds done by many to their friends. A true friendship for sure has something to do about saving a friend’s life or from any threatening circumstance, which places the other's life in peril.
Jorge’s view about friendship, in his very young age, went far beyond. His friendship was unique. A natural way of giving concern and compassion, mostly, occured among creatures in their own kind. His’, did not follow a definite natural pattern. Unnatural as you may called it-- but his’, something encompassing that even his father and brothers could not believed as they struggled to get out from the most life-threatening moment of their life.
What Jorge did, to make that friendship a seal in a world of imaginations, the book, 'Jorge and His Shy Friends', had something to suggest about it. In reality, Jorge's friendship appeared to be enshrouded in a mysterious cloud beyond human comprehension.

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