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At the Foot of the Rainbow

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Gene Stratton-Porter

At the Foot of the Rainbow

Hardcover (Triangle Books Jan. 1, 1943)
A story of Gene Statton-Porter and her books, and her nature work with bird, flower, and moth, and the natural wonders of the Limberlost Swamp, made famous as the scene of her nature romances. It includes a story of the "Rat-catchers of the Wabash",Ruben O'Kayam and the milk pail, The fifty coons of the Canoper.When the Kingfisher and the Black Bass came home, When the Rainbow swet it arch, The heaqrt of Mary Malone, The Apple of discord, When the Black Bass struck, When Jimmy came to confession, Dannies Renunciation, and the Pot of Gold.
4.2 oz.
7.4 x 5.0 in.

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