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Spontaneous Family Games: 28 Prop-Free Games to Play with Your Kids on the Spur of the Moment

Linda Schneider

Spontaneous Family Games: 28 Prop-Free Games to Play with Your Kids on the Spur of the Moment

language (Linda Schneider March 29, 2013)

A Fast Fun Fix for the Whole Family!

This is an idea book...full of clever ways to engage your family on the spur of the moment without having to plan ahead or get organized. These games are all indoor games--for in the car, at the dinner table, in the living room, in a waiting room, before bed, etc. Of course, you can play them outside, too.

You will know some of these games already—maybe you played them as a kid. But there will be some you don’t know, and many you haven’t thought about in a few years. The book offers the convenience of having a collection all in one place, where you can pull ideas quickly.

Unlike encyclopedias of 100's of games, these are the 28 best, fastest, and easiest ways to play with your family spontaneously! These games require no planning, no deciding what to do, no long explanation of rules.

For my kids, spontaneous works best because then there’s no discussion or argument, no chance for busy kids to say no. Each game can last as little as 3 minutes or as long as 30 minutes...enough time to engage your busy family, if only for a few precious moments!