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Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

Adam Moon

Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform March 24, 2014)
The alien General is in Earth orbit, but something about the Earthlings has him troubled. The first wave should have cleaved through them easily and yet it was thwarted. For the time being he will wait and watch. Jack and Melanie already defeated the Grey aliens but that doesn't mean their lives got any better. Soon news leaks around the world about their extraordinary abilities. They're brought in by the government to a secret facility tucked away inside the mountains of Wyoming. A metallic sphere is found just like the one that bestowed powers upon them and it's soon trucked their way, but everything goes wrong as soon as it arrives.
Apex (Book 2)
1497435633 / 9781497435636
10.6 oz.
6.0 x 0.4 in.

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