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Amy Le Feuvre, Michael Rotolo

Probable Sons

Paperback (Great Christian Books March 23, 2012)
In this classic tale of faith we find little Milly has been left an orphan after the sudden death of her mother. Of necessity she is sent to live with her uncle, an affirmed bachelor who dislikes children, and considers little girls even more irksome. Milly at once proves bothersome and tries her uncle’s patience with her constant concerns for what she calls “probable” sons—her word for wayward young men since she cannot pronounce “prodigal” correctly. Despite this little quirk Milly exhibits a tender heart for God and God’s lost ones. She prayerfully seeks God for all his probable sons to return home. As the days go by, her uncle’s heart cannot help but warm to his endearing niece who radiates innocence, love and hope. Probable Sons is a delightful story of forgiveness and reconciliation. Can such innocence and love penetrate even the hardest of hearts, perhaps even that of her very probable uncle?
1610104900 / 9781610104906
5.4 oz.
5.5 x 0.2 in.