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Further Statistics: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

Allen Brown

Further Statistics: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

Paperback (Independently published June 5, 2017)
If you have worked through Statistics Part 1 and Statistics Part 2 from Cambridge Paperbacks you will have gathered by nowthe subject of statistics requires a great deal of personal application in order to gain a good working knowledge of thesubject. Further Statistics builds on the knowledge you have already acquired. You will find that not all the subjects coveredin this book are included in the Statistics strand of your A Level Further Maths. That will depend on the examination boardsyllabus you are following. Many statistical techniques involve a methodology which is acquired with practice. An important part of the learning process is for you to work through each example using your own Casio fx-991ES Plus calculator. The results should be entered into your own note book – this is active learning and it’s only by doing this that you are likely to gain maximum benefit from the Cambridge Maths Method which underpins the whole learning process.
1691683337 / 9781691683338
7.2 oz.
5.8 x 0.3 in.

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