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Russo Zhan-Zhak. Izbrannye sochineniya: v treh tomah. Tom 2 . Juliya, ili Novaya Jeloiza./Rousseau Zhan-Zhak. selected Works: in three volumes. Volume 2. Julia, or A new Eloise.


Russo Zhan-Zhak. Izbrannye sochineniya: v treh tomah. Tom 2 . Juliya, ili Novaya Jeloiza./Rousseau Zhan-Zhak. selected Works: in three volumes. Volume 2. Julia, or A new Eloise.

Hardcover (Moscow March 15, 1961)
The following description is in Russian (transliterated), followed by an automated English translation. We apologize for inaccuracies in the computer-generated English translation. Please feel free to contact us for an accurate human English translation, which well be happy to prepare upon request

Compiled Vertsman I.E. M Fiction. 1961. 768s. hardcover, an enlarged format.

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