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Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within

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Robert E. Quinn

Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within

Hardcover (Jossey-Bass Aug. 14, 1996) , 1st edition
Don't let your company kill you! Open this book at your own risk. It contains ideas that may lead to a profound self-awakening. An introspective journey for those in the trenches of today's modern organizations, Deep Change is a survival manual for finding our own internal leadership power. By helping us learn new ways of thinking and behaving, it shows how we can transform ourselves from victims to powerful agents of change. And for anyone who yearns to be an internally driven leader, to motivate the people around them, and return to a satisfying work life, Deep Change holds the key.
0787902446 / 9780787902445
15.2 oz.
6.1 x 1.0 in.

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