Betty Ward Cain
Jayden's Favorite Psalm
(Bedford Publications June 21, 2013)
Scripture is sometimes difficult for children to read
and understand. A personal relationship with Jesus
Christ is hard to explain to a child. This book gives
them a visual picture of how Jesus is with us every
day and watches out for us. As Jayden comments
about each verse in the 23rd Psalm, and shows
excitement about living daily with Jesus, children
begin to realize they can have a personal relation-
ship with Jesus Christ. Jayden does many fun things
with fishing, having a picnic, climbing a
mountain and many things little boys love to do. When
Jayden has a booboo on his knee, Jesus kisses it to
make it better....and when the oil is poured on Jayden’s
head he is overjoyed. This book about the 23rd Psalm
will make children want to read the Bible for more
exciting adventures with Jesus. What better way to
get children reading the Word.