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Stories from the Crosswalk

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James Stephens

Stories from the Crosswalk

Paperback (CrossHouse Publishing Nov. 29, 2012)
Join crossing guard James Stephens as he shares original short stories inspired by his interaction with children. A talking worm, a bullfrog bully, and a friendly duck family are just a few of the many characters that spring to life in these pages. Let your imagination run wild as you ride a bull with DooDad the Clown and fly into outer space with Santa Claus. As each adventure ends, the main character has learned a valuable lesson-about friendship, manners, obedience, and faith, among other things. Each of the 17 short stories includes a timeless black-and-white illustration to intrigue you. And the final story has a twist: a place on each page on which you can tap into your own creative side and draw pictures to go with the story.
1613150369 / 9781613150368
7.7 oz.
6.0 x 0.2 in.

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