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Zoe Cannon

Tree of Knowledge

language ( June 14, 2019)

The enclaves of the Swords of Eden. Peaceful communities offering refuge from the outside world’s threats and the promise of an easier life. Insular dictatorships ruled by an army of fanatics determined to prevent another apocalyptic war by wiping out everything—and everyone—that could bring back the technologies of the past. And the last place Shea should be, with the implant in her arm that marks her for death in the Swords’ eyes.

So of course, that’s exactly where her next mission takes her.

Plague has come to the Central Enclave—the same plague that devastated the country after the war. But hope arrives with a small group of doctors, armed with forbidden technology, willing to risk infection or execution to save the lives of their enemies.

And for the sake of humanity’s future, Shea has to stop them.

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