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Micah De' Angelo

Lady In The Mountain

language (SpeakPublishing International March 14, 2020) , 1 edition
Nakia is not just some ordinary woman, no, she comes crashing down to earth to fulfill a destiny directed by the GrandMaster himself. Nakia is an earth angel in disguise. In 1920, things will get a bit crazy for those individuals she encounters on her journey on earth.
Not only will the lives she touches reshape and transform their ways of thinking, but she too will undergo some harsh realities. For millennia, Nakia has always been in the supernatural form for which the GrandMaster spoke her existence into being. While on earth, everything changes for her. The zeitgeist of this journey is much greater than her creature comforts and limited angelic abilities. The very soul and salvation for humanity is on the line.
Will Nakia complete the directives given to her by the GrandMaster to help save an entire planet? Or will her own ‘human’ like inhibitions impede the grand purpose to save all of mankind?