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Apex Trilogy
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Adam Moon
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Adam Moon

Apex Trilogy

eBook (Gealach publishing Sept. 17, 2014)
Apex:When an alien sphere falls from the heavens, everything changes for Jack Peterson and his friends, Scott and Melanie.The sphere sprays them with an alien mist and they soon discover they've each acquired a unique ability. Jack can teleport, Melanie has telekinesis, and Scott can erect invisible force fields.They'll need their newfound powers if they are to stop the alien invaders who are on their way to Earth to eradicate humanity.They're pawns in a galactic struggle, but sometimes pawns can become kings.Can this group of unprepared misfits protect the entire planet from an advanced alien species that has never failed?Apex 2:The alien General is poised to strike. He's never been beaten but something about the planet Earth has him on edge. The first wave should have cleaved through the Earthlings easily yet it was thwarted. Cautiously, he decides to wait in orbit and watch what happens before launching the second wave.Jack and Melanie defeated the Grey aliens last month but that doesn't mean their troubles are over. When the world discovers that they have extraordinary abilities, their lives are turned upside down.They're brought in to a military bunker tucked deep inside the mountains in Wyoming for testing.When a large metallic sphere identical to the one that gave them their powers is discovered and trucked to their location, things take a turn for the worse.Others become infected with the same alien mist that transformed them, and no one knows if they can be trusted with their new powers.Apex 3:General Shaylo is done strategizing. He's ready to destroy mankind.But first he must take out the handful of super humans who defeated the first wave. They're a formidable foe, but Shaylo is driven by personal vengeance and the knowledge that he has never been beaten.When the enhanced humans prove to be too much for his troops to handle, Shaylo, the mightiest Grey who has ever lived is forced to don his legendary armored suit and take the battle to them personally.Jack's powers have grown exponentially. He has no control over them as they whisk him through space against his will. But as his powers grow, his humanity withers away. Can he do the right thing when the time comes? With help from the two super soldiers, can he save the Earth a second time from an unstoppable force or has he finally met his match?

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