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Crux of Paramour, Book 1, Bonding

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Jim Neville

Crux of Paramour, Book 1, Bonding

Paperback (Independently published Oct. 15, 2017)
A Sci-Fi Romance Adventure In a world where droids outnumber humans, one droid stands out above all others. Rosie the droid is a conglomeration of the best features of every type of droid. Despite her superior design, Rosie's function is companion and assistant to an average working drone, Zach Saxon. At least that's the way things seem until suddenly, their reality shifts inexplicably out of phase. Everything they believed to be true was a lie. Both Rosie and Zach had been much more than a cog in the wheel. Their memories were erased. Their lives rewritten. Their potential stifled. Every facet of their lives was closely monitored. Someone is watching every move and and thought. Despite the detailed observation of the watchers, Rosie and Zach blend as equals with a common purpose and thought. Zach's potential is unleashed while Rosie becomes much more than a droid. They become greater than the sum of their individual parts. They become dangerous, but to who. That is the question that preoccupies the watchers. This is the PG-13 tale of love, science, and a possible future for humanity. The dangers of robots, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality are vividly realized. The central theme of the book is love. It is used as a sword, a shield, and the impetus of new life. You will see what few have ever witnessed. A love so pure, few can understand it.
Crux of Paramour (Book 2)
1549962701 / 9781549962707
14.2 oz.
5.0 x 0.8 in.

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