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Ripple and the Wild Horses of White Cloud Station

Trudy Nicholson

Ripple and the Wild Horses of White Cloud Station

eBook (Horsecrest Press Feb. 2, 2015) , 2 edition
NZ Children & Teens Best Seller List. Suzy, Alexa and Lucy live and breathe horses. But unfortunately for Suzy her allergies mean she is forbidden to have a horse of her own.When the three girls attend the round-up of the wild horses at White Cloud Station, Suzy falls in love with a curly-coated horse that she desperately wants to buy. However, things don’t go according to plan when he gets sold to another bidder.Just when it looks like Suzy will never get her dream, an unexpected friend comes to the rescue. Second Edition, Horsecrest Press, 2014. Penguin Group, NZ 2009, White Cloud Station Club

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