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The Disappearing Act: Act 1

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R.L Walker

The Disappearing Act: Act 1

Paperback (Independently published Dec. 5, 2017)
The carnival: here today, gone tomorrow.People are disappearing one by one at the fairgrounds. Zoe and her friends and family are in danger. Who is doing this to them? Why? Zoe feels like she is always being watched... and maybe she is! Can Zoe make peace with her telepathic nature and stop the kidnapper before more of her loved ones turn up missing? - Tamara- The Reading Mermaid blog Come for the carnival, stay for the story....**edited and published again as a second edition. Same great story, but re-edited for grammar mistakes**
The Disappearing Act (Book 1)
1973470160 / 9781973470168
16.0 oz.
6.0 x 0.7 in.

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