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The Bongo Dogs: A Journey to the Boundaries of Intelligence

Jonathan Hoffman

The Bongo Dogs: A Journey to the Boundaries of Intelligence

This juvenile short-story is about the Bongo Pack of wild dogs. For many generations the Bongos lived a regular comfortable dog life on a remote tropical beach. However, due to an extraordinarily rare mutation, the entire pack miraculously developed intelligence similar to human beings. This set in motion a roller-coaster journey of crazy adventures, new situations and poignant discoveries. The Bongos never left their territory, nor did they communicate with anyone outside their group. What remained of their existence has long since disappeared. However, the pack's entire mind-twisting saga was quietly conveyed to me by Shushu; the very last of the Bongo dogs. This is their story.A note to readers and parentsThe Bongo Dogs is a mind provoking fantasy inspired by the worldwide pandemic of inactivity. Despite the fast-paced dramatic events, all the characters are good hearted and have pure intentions. This makes one wonder... The ending is optimistic; all that is needed to solve the problem and enjoy life is to stretch a lot, do a bit of fun activity every day and eat clean most of the time. Despite the serious issues it tackles, The Bongo Dogs is a fictional juvenile fantacy and at times a humorous satire. Please equip yourself with an open-mind and a healthy sense of humor! The author is a physical therapist, international mind-body educator, human movement researcher and published author. He is the developer of multiple novel mind-body exercise devices and methods and has worked with professional tennis, basketball and track & field athletes as well as world and European champion water-skiers.