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Hope Destiny

Fool Me Twice

1 Corinthians 15:33 saysDo not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals." other words be mindful of the company you keep. Oh my my my. Faith has been in the midst of some really bad company. The devil came to kill steal and destroy Faith and those she loves and they have opened up their doors to let him have free reign to do so. What if everyone who you loved and trusted are nothing but liars and deceivers ?Faith's husband Clint betrayed his vows he made to her and to GodFaith's cousin Toya is the jessabelle of all jessabelles Faith's father who she thought was a man of God has been working for the devil from the pulpitFaith's brother is walking a path,of destruction that could only lead him to,jail or HellFaith's mother...her sweet darling mother.. horns have finally started to show. Faith's father in law ain't no better than her father and husband.God put no more on you than you can bear but what if the burden is too heavy?Will Faith be able to fight off the snares of the devil ..the demons of today...that the devil laid thru her loved ones to get to her ? Will the devil be allowed to roam freely in Faith's life like he is doing in all those she loves so dearly? Will all the skirts being pulled up on her family members derail her faith in the Lord? Find out in this epic follow up to Fool Me Once...

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