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The Leap
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Nita Bajoria
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Nita Bajoria

The Leap

language ( May 8, 2018)
The newest entry in the library of science fiction novels about Mars written over the last century and a quarter is different from the usual gadget-driven or pure fantasy fare. In here the characters are real, fully developed human beings with all the complexities and contradictions that accompany their humanity. Through them, the author explores some significant questions about the mysteries of life. Is it only an explorer like Columbus who is on the lookout for the unexplored? Aren’t we all seeking something unknown to us? Most of us, reluctant to leave our comfort zone, suppress the appetite. Although this hunger keeps gnawing our insides, hurting us continuously, we pretend to be jubilant and content. However, a few are unable to maintain the facade. They become restless, nervous, and edgy. The world calls them crazy. Unable to resist the pull, they finally break open the cocoon and transform into a beautiful butterfly with sturdy wings that carries them to heavenly orchards, where the nectar of wisdom is sweeter than ever. Moreover, it’s not just the outer journey that transpires. An inner pilgrimage runs parallel to the outer sojourn that ultimately leads us to our higher self. However, for this journey to take place, we must first allow ourselves to hit the road to nowhere. Are we ready for the leap, or shall we wait for a disaster to strike first?