J. S. Fletcher

The Middle Temple Murder

(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform June 15, 2015)

“Mr. Fletcher is a master of plot, and he never goes beyond the bounds of reason in its procedure and development. He, moreover, can write the English language as a vital means to the end both of narrative and description, and he never fails to show that he is its master. It is therefore a pleasure to read his stories, not merely for their entertaining qualities, but also for the agreeable appeal of their manner and their style.” -Boston Evening Transcript

“An ingenious, cleverly constructed tale, distinctive in plot and incidents and written with as much zest and freshness as if it were his first…..A marvel.” -The New York Times

“I believe I got my interest in criminology right from the fact that a famous case of fraud was heard at the Quarter Sessions at a town where I was at school - its circumstances were unusual and mysterious and the truth hard to get at; oddly enough, I have never yet used this as the basis of a story. Then, when I left school, I meant to be a barrister and I read criminal law and attended a great many queer trials for some time. But turning to journalism instead, I knew of a great many queer cases on famous murder trials. Also, I learnt a good deal about criminology in conversations with the late HB Irving the famous actor, who was an expert.” – J. B. Fletcher

While walking home late one evening, Frank Spargo, assistant editor of London's Watchman newspaper, sees a dead body that the police have just discovered in Middle Temple Lane, that has no identification. At first it appears that this might simply be a case of a drunk who fell down some stairs, but by working alongside New Scotland Yard's Detective Sergeant Rathbury, he learns who the man was, what caused his death, and about some diamonds, rare stamps, and a mysterious leather box. The Middle Temple Murder is universally considered Fletcher's best detective novel and the novel that led to his great success in the United States in the 1920s.

151435859X / 9781514358597
19.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.7 in.

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