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The Book of Missionary Heroes

Basil Mathews

The Book of Missionary Heroes

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform July 13, 2015) , 1 edition
The Book of Missionary Heroes is a Christian biography classic by Basil Mathews. Centuries pass and men of another age, taking the light that Paul had brought, carry the torch over Apennine and Alp, through dense forests where wild beasts and wilder savages roam, till they cross the North Sea and the light reaches the fair-haired Angles of Britain, on whose name Augustine had exercised his punning humour, when he said, "Not Angles, but Angels." From North and South, through Columba and Aidan, Wilfred of Sussex and Bertha of Kent, the light came to Britain.
1515053695 / 9781515053699
12.3 oz.
6.0 x 0.4 in.

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