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Wilhelm Busch

Buzz a Buzz

Paperback (Independently published May 15, 2020)
Buzz a Buzz is a story in pictures from the humorous poet and illustrator Wilhelm Busch. In which the bees are humanized. Wilhelm Busch, spent part of his childhood with his uncle, the Reverend George Little, who was also an experienced beekeeper, and incorporated numerous natural history facts in this story. It’s a typical Busch story, with the usual happy ending.I must say a few words in explanation of the somewhat novel form which my new "Bee– Book" has taken, and which, doubtless, will be a surprise to the many Bee–Friends who are waiting with exemplary patience for the second of my original "Bee–Book," soon about to appear after an interval of thirty years from the publication of the first. I happened last year to be at the Cologne Station, waiting for the train, and employed my spare time in looking over the book stall for something to read on my way to Aix–la– Chapelle. The stall was covered with books about the late War. I had returned from a visit to the Battle Fields of 1870, and was sick of the subject. I wanted something of a more peaceful nature, and I was turning away, without making a purchase, when a book met my eye entitled Schnurrdiburr .
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4.2 oz.
5.0 x 0.2 in.

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