Michael John
Who Saved Whom
(PublishAmerica Jan. 13, 2014)
Who Saved Whom is a family story of pet loss, lost love, and the grieving stages children experience as their home is now deafeningly silent. As a school psychologist it was apparent to me when after putting to sleep our two aged beagles, Lila and Annie, my children went through the grieving stages similarly as my wife and I, but also with some noticeable differences. Who Saved Whom began as my letter to them, an awareness to know it was okay to feel the loss as they felt it, and as we moved through the grieving process together, it was okay to ask all the questions that consumed their now silent days. It is my hope that Who Saved Whom will help families experiencing similar loss talk through their grief, trust their homes and hearts again through pet adoption, and pay attention to His plan in the process.