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Aldous Huxley

Crome Yellow a Novel

(Harper and Brothers Jan. 1, 1922)
From the front flap of this 307 page book: "Aldous Huxley's distinguished career in English letters can be said to date from the publication of his first novel, 'Crome Yellow' in 1921. Alexander Henderson says of it: 'In 'Crome Yellow' Huxley showed himself completely master of his assimilations, a mature novelist. The book is worth examining closely for its technique, its ideas and its acuteness of psychological description. It is a light book, a gay one. But although easy to read, we shall be mistaken in taking it too easily. Huxley's other novels have more matter in them, a wider range, a greater complexity of pattern, but none has excelled his first in grace, in Mozartian lightness of touch. Real and yet somehow unreal, somehow a fairy-story, a bucolic idyll, 'Crome Yellow' haunts the memory like a sunlit wall of peaches seen in childhood, rich with the nostalgic memories of bygone summers. Like the opulent colour of its title, 'Crome Yellow' is all of cream and gold.'"
16.0 oz.
9.1 x 6.6 in.

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