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Saving Slim: Nothing is expected from the boy with the disability until he expects something from himself.

J Tellijohn

Saving Slim: Nothing is expected from the boy with the disability until he expects something from himself.

language ( July 17, 2014)
Life can change in a measurement of 1,262 feet, Jack had measured it. He learned to tolerate the stares and murmurs, but the belief his disability made him stupid created a seeping pessimism that sometimes exploded from his good arm. They deserved it, but fighting was no longer the answer.

The past fifteen summers spent at his Grandparent's lake home allowed Jack to feel "normal." When he finds a notebook in the woods, he is intrigued by the sad stories from long ago until the events reveal clues to his grandfather's mysterious accident, blackmail and an underground dog fighting ring.
Jack risks his life to save his family, the dogs and a friend he has never met.

A story of courage and determination. Jack becomes all he has known himself to be.

Based on insider stories claiming Stearns County, MN ran one of the largest underground dog fighting rings in the 1970s. Real names of the dogs have been used.