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Love Among the Lions: A Matrimonial Experience: Large Print

F. Anstey

Love Among the Lions: A Matrimonial Experience: Large Print

Paperback (Independently published June 2, 2020)
I was hopelessly in love from the very first; I thought of nothing but how to obtain admission to her presence; as time went on, I fancied that when I passed there was a gleam of recognition, of half-awakened interest in her long-lashed eyes, but it was difficult to be certain. On the railing by the door was a large brass plate, on which was engraved: "Æneas Polkinghorne, Professor of Elocution. Prospectus within." So I knew the name of my divinity. I can give no greater indication of the extent of my passion, even at this stage, than by saying that I found this surname musical, and lingered over each syllable with delight.
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5.4 oz.
8.5 x 0.13 in.

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