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Timeline Ancient Egypt: Timelines for Kids

George Joshua

Timeline Ancient Egypt: Timelines for Kids

language (G-L-R (Great Little Read) May 3, 2020)

Timeline Ancient Egypt

Timelines for Kids

This is a fun look at Ancient Egypt that will give you the shocking facts and trivia and raise a few smiles. Discover why the pharaohs were obsessed with death and how Tutankhamun really died. Find out about the wacky health care system, weird superstitions, and what it was like to be an Egyptian soldier.

From mummies, gods, and pyramids to cunning Cleopatra and her snake, this book tells the story of Ancient Egyptian life. It pulls no punches and will entertain and educate young, curious minds.

There is a groovy quiz at the end to see how much has been learned, and some fabulous authentic pictures on almost every page.

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