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Payment in Kind #4
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Owen B. Greenwald
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Epic Press
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Big Bet
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Owen B. Greenwald

Payment in Kind #4

(Epic Press Jan. 1, 2016)
Haunted by their failures, the CPC heads back to where it all went wrong: Las Vegas. Their goal? To track down whoever gave them the basketball job, which set them on their current path. They're surprised to find that this patron had something of a personal stake in their success... or lack thereof.Jason never backs down from a challenge, but this one might be more than they can handle. In desperation, they turn to an old friend and former CPC member, Z Davis. But whether he actually wants to help them is another matter...Payment in Kind is Book #4 from The Big Bet, an EPIC Press series.
Big Bet (Book 4)
1680761862 / 9781680761863
14.7 oz.
6.0 x 0.8 in.

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