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The Time Machine and the Invisible Man

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H. G. Wells

The Time Machine and the Invisible Man

Paperback ( July 6, 2003)
Immensely popular during his lifetime, H.G. Wells, along with Jules Verne, is credited with inventing science fiction. This volume offerstwo of his best-loved" scientific romances" The Time machine, his first novel, is a tale of Darwinian evolutiontaken to extremes, Its heroa young scientist, travels 800,000 years into the future to discover an earth populated by two humanoid species, the brutal Morlocksand the gentle Eloi. The Invisible man mixes terror, suspense, andpsychology in a tale of a scientist who discoversthe formula for invisibility _ a secret that drives him mad. Each of this novels tells a " ripping yarn" and also offerstrenchant social analysis....
1593080328 / 9781593080327
6.4 oz.
6.8 x 4.1 in.

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