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Lights And Shadows Of Real Life

Timothy Shay Arthur

Lights And Shadows Of Real Life

Paperback (Independently published June 26, 2020)
THERE was something wrong about the affairs of old Mr. Bacon. His farm, once the best tilled and most productive in the neighbourhood, began to show evidences of neglect and unfruitfulness; and that he was going behindhand in the world, was too apparent in the fact, that, within two years he had sold twenty acres of good meadow, and, moreover, was under the necessity of borrowing three hundred dollars on a mortgage of his landed property. And yet, Mr. Bacon had not laid aside his habits of industry. He was up, as of old, with the dawn, and turned not his feet homeward from the field until the sun had taken his parting glance from the distant hill-tops.
/ 9798656722308
24.8 oz.
4.25 x 1.93 in.

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