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Coping with Gender Fluidity

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Age 12-17
Grade 7+

Stephanie Lundquist-Arora

Coping with Gender Fluidity

Paperback (Rosen Young Adult Dec. 15, 2019) , 1 edition
A study published in 2018 found that the number of gender-fluid and transgender teens are on the rise and being underestimated by researchers. In a time when a political and media spotlight is cast significantly on teen gender identities, awareness and access to resources are even more important. This illuminating resources highlights that the right to self-define is a civil right. Readers will discover what it means to be gender-fluid and how to dispel predominant myths. They will also learn how to access resources on physical and mental health, as well as safe spaces and the advocate community.
1725341255 / 9781725341258
7.8 oz.
5.8 x 0.2 in.

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