John Humphreys
Learning To Fly
( June 20, 2020)
Have you ever wanted to Fly? Not in a plane, but soar up high and over come the fear of falling? Then my adventure at iFly may inspire and show you how to make the impossible possible! At 11 years old, I went to iFly Summer Camp where I learned the mechanics of flying. iFly Indoor Skydiving is an all-inclusive sport, which means anyone can fly. I determined to attempt a World Record, one that harnessed the “Spirit of Adventure”, inspired others to try new things, gives strength to those being bullied, and encouragement to those who are giving up on life. I wanted to inspire the attendees and people worldwide by showing anything is possible and that you are only limited by your imagination. On November 14, 2019, I successfully did a book signing while flying in a wind tunnel at 110 mph. I signed a total of 48 copies in 4 minutes of the book BE AMAZING.