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Foul Play: A Drama in Four Acts

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Dion Boucicault

Foul Play: A Drama in Four Acts

Paperback (Forgotten Books June 11, 2012)
Holborn Theatre, London, May 28, 1868. Sir Edward Rolleston (C haracter, Old Man) Mr. Bellaib. Old Wardlaw (O ld Man) Mr. McI ntybe. Robert Tenfold (L eading) Mr. E. Pbioe. Arthur Wardlaw (L eading Juvenile Comedy) Mr. G. Neville. Michael Penfold (O ld Man) Mr. Parselle. Joe Wylie (L ow Comedy) Mr. Jos. I rving. Burtenshaw (U tility) Mr. Westland. Hawkins (C haracter Comedy) Mr. Moreland. A tkina (U tility) Mr. A rthur. Messenger (U tility) Mr. Harbison. Helen Rolleston (L eading Comedy) Miss Henrade. Nancy Rouse (C hambermaid) .: Miss Fanny Josephs. TIME OF PLAYING TWO HOURS AND TWENTY MINUTES. Note. A ct I., thirty minutes; A ct II., twenty-five minutes; A ct III., fifty minutes; A ct IV., twenty minutes. SCENERY. ACT I. Scene. An Office in three grooves. Backing. |D oor. |ABA BA Chairs. .C hair. CT able, chairs b. and l. Fireplace. ]C hair. Backing to D. in f. is a wall; a railing before it, enclosing a desk and seat; wall is light grained wood panelling; fireplace l. 1e. set; map of the Pacific Ocean l. 2k. on set; maps elsewhere ;row of clothes-pegs it. 2e. ;AAA, black japanned boxes with white letters one Mercantile Shipping A cts, 1840-60, another Policies of I nsurance, Miranda, etc.; BB are stands with full-rigged models of ships, one l. marked Shannon, the other, b., Proserpine; Ca copying press on stand ;table L., covered with papers, books, writing materials; chairs at table and b. ;umbrella stand l. tj. e. corner; brass rod and red curtain to the glass part of d. in f. ;carpet(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been
4.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.1 in.

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