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Clark Rich Burbidge, Karl C. Hepworth

The Prodigals

Hardcover (Winepress Pub Oct. 21, 2013)
There are Giants in the Land . . .A great shadow over the land threatens to overwhelm not only the people but a thousand years of Giant service and perhaps the Giants themselves. The future of the land depends on three young prodigals and an aging hero. Their personal struggles must be set aside, for they are the land's only true hope. Book Two of the Giants Trilogy follows Thomas, as a much older man now serving as the Land's Forest Ward, and two of his grandchildren (seventeen-year-old Tommy and thirteen-year-old Rose). They are unexpectedly caught up in a struggle for the survival of their people and their way of life. A sudden tragic change shocks them from a complacent and distracted life. Thomas, Tommy, and a band of lost prodigals are placed on a dangerous path toward destiny or destruction. Though they are unprepared, they are all that stands between hope for the future and loss of all they hold dear.
Giants in the Land (Book 2)
1606152416 / 9781606152416
10.4 oz.
5.8 x 0.8 in.

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