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Pirates at the Bottom of the Bed

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Age 3-8
Grade 1-3

David Lawrence

Pirates at the Bottom of the Bed

Paperback (Onion Custard Kids May 10, 2017) , 1st edition
Timothy receives a mysterious present from Santa - a small, unremarkable torch. But, when he goes to bed, he finds that his torch has some magic properties. He is mysteriously transported to another world - a world where pirates live and he has to keep his wits about him if he is to return home safely. This is the first in a series of charming tales about a little boy, his magic torch, and the amazing places he visits. Is it all a dream? Read for yourself and make up your own mind!
Timothy's Torch (Book 1)
1912056208 / 9781912056200
3.2 oz.
5.1 x 0.1 in.

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