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Goblin Boots: A Golden Enzyme Tale

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J Spencer

Goblin Boots: A Golden Enzyme Tale

Goblin Boots is a fantasy story created for family readership. The tale tells of a Boot Maker, a Goblin and many pairs of boots, oh yes, and a wife. Some may say they know how the story ends. You will only find out, if you read for yourself!This peculiar story came to mind after recalling a favourite tale from my own childhood, and choosing to share my own version, an adaptation, with the family. I hadn’t realised so many of my conscious story recalls were based upon the Brothers Grimm Tales. I bought a copy of the Grimm Tales to share more stories with my family directly and couldn’t believe how terrible they were, when I say terrible, I mean shocking. I would often read them aloud, changing the odd word and detail as I went to make it more child friendly. Thank goodness most of the content is pure fantasy.This story may create a lot of questioning from a child listener, so be prepared, and only read it to them if you feel prepared to answer the questions yourself. The beauty of a book: you can read it when YOU’RE ready.Did you ever hear the story about the shoemaker selling shoes, all hand crafted by Elves? If not, you’ve missed out on one of very many good stories told by the Brothers Grimm. Although, Grimm stories were often missing something, for in this peculiar adaptation of a tale, there weren’t elves, but for a single Goblin.And…When you mess with a Goblin… WOAH! They don’t like people knowing their business especially when a deal turns bad. Goblins are happy when they are winning, but hate to lose.Thank you for choosing to read Goblin Boots.

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