Robert Knopf, Glen Hetrick, Melanie Zolnier

Middle School Blues

language (Robert Knopf Books July 22, 2015) , 1 edition
Middle School...Old friends become part of different cliques; new friends enter into your life; boys and girls begin noticing each other; and everyone begins to find out who they really are and if they are popular or not. It’s even more difficult being the new kid in school once again. It doesn’t help that every school you have been to, you have been labelled quirky by the teachers and just weird by your classmates. The fact that you have a secret that you are afraid to tell anyone complicates life even more; especially when the secret may have caused your father’s death and leads you into unwanted adventure and danger! Is it wrong to want to just be a normal kid?

MIDDLE SCHOOL BLUES is an emotional ride with humor, tragedy, suspense, and joy. A combination of Hardy Boys meeting Ghost Whisperer as ZZ slowly learns that being different isn't always bad as it can lead to wild adventures and that good friends can overcome even the worst of bullies.