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Common Puppy Problems: A to Z Guide

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Louise Louis

Common Puppy Problems: A to Z Guide

language ( April 13, 2015)
Chewing table legs, jumping on visitors, nipping human hands, pulling on the leash are among the common puppy behavior problems addressed.

Find your puppy’s problem in this alphabetical guide and then read the quick and easy ways to change his behavior.

Puppies are so cute that sometimes people think their little nips or other misbehaviors are funny or endearing. If you don’t correct these bad actions now, however, you’ll have a much harder time correcting them when he’s grown.

If it wouldn’t be cute in a 50-pound dog, it’s not cute in a 5-pound dog.

There’s also a list of Emergencies that require immediate veterinary attention. For example, eye problems in puppies can escalate quickly into permanent damage even blindness. If your puppy’s eye is red, there’s discharge, he’s pawing at his eye, there’s excessive tearing or swelling, get him to a vet.

Be a responsible owner and learn how to have a well behaved puppy.

Second edition updates information and resources.

After experience breeding, pet sitting and training, Ms. Louis created the website. She continues to write articles for various dog-related publications and enjoy the company of her small canine companions.


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