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Moose: Largest Deer in the World

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M Martin

Moose: Largest Deer in the World

language ( Aug. 11, 2015)
You might have already seen Moose head mounted on the walls of a hunter's home. The curious thing about this animal is its antlers. Did you know that a young moose's antlers are covered with velvet? And this velvet supplies the antler with blood and the nutrients it needs? Antlers are not like the horns of other animals. They are dependent on blood and nutrients to grow. When moose are older, the velvet falls off and some adult moose rub their antlers on trees to help rub off the velvet.

Moose are the largest members of the deer family and the tallest mammals of North America. Most of them thrive in the northern hemisphere where there is seasonal snow cover. They cannot survive hot climates because they can't sweat.

In this book you will learn many more facts about this amazing animal. You will learn about how their antlers are used, and how large they grow. You will learn about their curious physical features, like the hump in their back and the skin hanging from their throat. How do they take care of their young? What do they eat? What are the different species of Moose? These are just some of the questions that will be answered in this book. This book also comes with more than 20 colorful photos of the moose in its natural habitat. These pictures will help young children create the right images of the moose in their minds and will greatly assist them in their understanding.

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