Gareth Jones
The Amazing Adventures of Edwina Elf!: Based on an idea by Millie Carzana
Bernard and Elroy Elf arrived for their second Christmas on the night of November 30th. A few weeks in they were missing their mummy so much that they wrapped Big Bear in toilet paper to make a stand-in mummy. This can be seen on my YouTube channel . Millie decided that something had to be done so she wrote to Santa 3 times asking if Mummy Elf could visit. How could Santa say no? Edwina was excused her usual pre-Christmas occupation , issued with a special passport and visa and asked to report to the Sleigh Station so that she could accompany Santa on a training trip to get the reindeer up to speed for the big day. This involved a number of stops which, funnily enough, involved places that we had recently been too ourselves! Edwina recorded her trip in pictures and then told her story to me in an exclusive interview. In fact it was so exclusive that even I wasn't allowed to be awake at the time. This is her story, which explains why she took so long to arrive......