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Sword Bearer: Return of the Dragons, Book 1

Teddy Jacobs, J. M. Badger, Wicked Evil Press

Sword Bearer: Return of the Dragons, Book 1

Audiobook (Wicked Evil Press Dec. 5, 2012) , Unabridged

Two forms of power - natural and chemical - divide the world. Dragons, who keep the chemical power in check, have long retreated from human sight; few still believe in them. Inside a castle surrounded by Tuscan hills more and more threatened by chemical forces, 16-year-old Anders lives a sheltered life. But much as his parents try, Anders can't avoid the forces that threaten....

Fantasy Adventure for All Ages

Eight years ago, when his dying grandfather whispered words of power in his ear, there was already something special about Anders Tomason.

But these days Anders is sick of being special. Forced to study in a locked room when he isn't having lessons, his only escape is daily practice with a staff; he hopes that one day, he'll get to swing a blade.

That day comes on his 16th birthday: Anders receives a wooden sword from his blade master, along with two surprises: a mischievous and flirtatious spirit inside the silver handle, and the dance of swordplay to the music of his own blood. Then, that same night Anders is drinking a new tea and burning incense to help him focus on his studies. But he's sick of studying, sick of being locked in. So sick of it, that in anger his blood magic opens a gateway. A girl bursts into his locked study. She has a stolen book of nature magic and a chemical warlock hot on her trail....