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Beauty and the Beaks: A Turkey's Cautionary Tale

Age 4-8
Grade 1-3

Mary Jane Auch

Beauty and the Beaks: A Turkey's Cautionary Tale

Hardcover (Holiday House Aug. 10, 2007)
Beauty and her friends think Lance is the most conceited bird in the hen yard. From the moment the turkey arrives on the farm, he spends his time swaggering around the Chic Hen beauty shop, boasting that he is the only bird invited to a special feast. But when Beauty practices her favorite eggsercise, flying, she accidentally discovers just what kind of guest Lance will be at the feast. Can beauty come up with a plan to save Lance before his life eggspires?
0823419908 / 9780823419906
12.8 oz.
8.8 x 0.5 in.

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