Dear Parents,
This is the first in what will become a series of books designedto suggest subjects worthy of discussion with your children as theymature in their curiosity about important life issues. As adults wethink the way adults do, and we often forget how we thought as children. We have forgotten some of our fears, worries, complaints, and confusions, which were products of our innocence and fantasies colliding with real-life experiences and challenges.
One of the most important means of showing our children that we love and care about them is to understand how they think and what they feel. In doing so, we reinforce them on their journey through life and give them a solid road map to guide them through life's challenging terrains. The best way to understand and help our children is to talk with them.
Reading Why Do You Love Me? to your children will open the door to incredible and moving discussions on love as both a feeling and a responsibility.
From one parent to another, I hope you'll be moved.
Shalom, Dr. Laura Schlessinger
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