Beatrix Potter, Tobias Peers
The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies: Phonically enriched with the Augmented Alphabet
( Jan. 12, 2016)
This is Beatrix Potter's children's book. It has been formatted to include diacritics (letter markings) that make it clear what sound the letters in a word represent. For example, the word 'Monday' is pronounced 'Munday'. There is a mark that sits above the 'o' in this edition that indicates to the reader that it should be pronounced like the 'u' in Sun (like-wise the 'o' in 'son', 'month', 'some', 'come', ...). Similarly there is a mark that sits above the 'a' in 'any'. 'Any' is pronounced 'Eny'. The mark over the 'a' in 'any' indicates that it should be pronounced like the 'e' in 'elf' (like-wise 'many', 'said', 'anyone', 'anything',...). By introducing a comprehensive set of augmentations English spelling become regular. This means thousands of words, whose spellings are not completely regular no longer have to be learnt as exceptions.