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Milestones, Return to Camp

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S.A. Hodges

Milestones, Return to Camp

Paperback (Hungry Goat Press June 4, 2015)
Faye Martin, a 15 year old lightning strike survivor, returns to the mysterious camp Milestone in hopes of fulfilling her secret destiny and reuniting with her friends. Once more, she begins her summer anticipating the arrival of new campers and pining over her love, Benji, who has since found a new girlfriend. However, things quickly take a turn for the worst and Faye catapults into a dark world where her loved ones are in danger. As she attempts to undo the damages done by an anonymous force, Faye realizes she cannot possibly save her friends and camp without help. But with all the changes, downfalls and drama, how can she know who to trust? And what will happen if the camp is destroyed? Most importantly, who is responsible for the demise of the camp? In the second installment of the Milestones trilogy, Hodges describes the collapse of this beloved fantasy world and leads us down the path that ends in an uncertain ever after.
The Camp Milestone Trilogy (Book 2)
1942314213 / 9781942314219
15.0 oz.
5.5 x 0.6 in.

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