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Agent Darcy and Ninja Steve in...Tiger Trouble!

Grant Goodman

Agent Darcy and Ninja Steve in...Tiger Trouble!

language ( May 4, 2015)

"I bought a copy for my friend's daughter and she LOVED it! There are strong, smart female characters, the book is well paced and well written, and most importantly, it's FUN to read!"

-Amazon Customer, 5 Star Review

"My 9 y.o. is a reluctant reader. I always have to start a series out by reading with him. After we finished the 1st chapter, he said: 'Mom, I want to be a ninja!!' That was last night. This evening he ran up to me and said: 'I just finished the whole book!! I love it. VERY MUCH!!!'

-Amazon Customer, 5 Star Review


Thirteen-year-old Agent Darcy is one of the top students at the Bureau of Sneakery, where there are three rules every agent must follow: never make friends with an outsider, never speak of the Bureau, and never reveal your real name. Lately, Darcy has hit a rough patch: her rival, Agent Serena, keeps outdoing her. If things keep going this way, Darcy is convinced that no one will ever assign her a real mission.

Ninja Steve’s city, Ninjastoria, is the home of sword fights, throwing stars, and Tae Kwon Donuts. Unlike his genius older sister, twelve year-old Steve isn’t the best ninja student. He’d rather be swinging a sword instead of taking notes in class. Steve, however, is about to learn that being a true ninja means far more than being able to use a sword.

When Darcy is sent to Ninjastoria as an exchange student, it will turn both of their lives upside-down and raise all kinds of questions:

What do the mecha-moles want? Who is the man in the gray mask? What do ninjas eat for lunch? And why are there tiger stripes all over the cover of this book?

Time to read and find out!


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