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William Saroyan, Don M. Freeman

The Human Comedy

Hardcover (Harcourt, Brace and Company Feb. 1, 1943) , 1st Edition
The Human Comedy, Saroyan's first novel, is the story of an American family in wartime, and in particular of Homer Macauley, the fastest messenger in San Joaquin valley. With all the qualities of warmth, cheer, and humanity which have endeared Saroyan to his reading public, The Human Comedy abounds in unforgettable scenes. Homer running the Two-Twenty hurdles; little Ulysses imprisoned in a bear trap in Covington's store; old-time telegraph operator Willie Grogan, with a bottle in the desk drawer to fuzz the sharp reality of the everflowing messages of love and hope and pain and death; Spangler, with a love for the whole world and every living thing; Homer's older brother Marcus singing, as the troop train in which he sits hurtles away from home. Saroyan has done many things, but he has here done something which even his oldest friends scarcely dared to predict -- a wartime novel of the home front which succeeds in capturing, and which nowhere oversteps, the modesty of ordinary human beings. It is a very simple novel. It is a very great achievement. With jacket and many drawings by Don Freeman.
16.0 oz.
6.9 x 4.1 in.