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The Return
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Sonia Levitin
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Sonia Levitin

The Return

Hardcover (Atheneum April 30, 1987) , 1st Edition
Desta and the other members of her Falasha family, Jews suffering from discrimination in Ethiopia, finally flee the country and attempt the dangerous journey to Israel. Jews suffering from discrimination in Ethiopia, Desta and the other members of her Falasha family, finally flee the country and attempt the dangerous journey to Israel. When 12-year-old Ethiopian Jew Desta learns there are camps in Sudan where transport for Israel is waiting, she sets out with her brother and younger sister on a journey to freedom. When her brother is killed, Desta must take the lead courageously as they travel to the promised land.Desta and the other members of her Falasha family, Jews suffering from discrimination in Ethiopia, finally flee the country and attempt the dangerous journey to Israel
0689313098 / 9780689313097
24.64 oz.
5.75 x 0.75 in.

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