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Sherlock Holmes Master of Magic

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John Pirillo

Sherlock Holmes Master of Magic

eBook (John Pirillo Dec. 7, 2019)

When does revenge become an obsession…

Obsession a desire too strong to bear…

A murderous impulse…

Evil waiting to be unleashed…

A beast waiting to tear its victim apart?

Sherlock Holmes with his friends once more has to step in to help Harry as he faces an old foe, which is now intent even more than ever on destroying Harry and all that he loves.


And now the man who writes horror stories has become the man of horror who magically draws demons and beasts from the underworld to terrorize and destroy those he hates.

In a whirlwind series of events Lovecraft’s revenge unfolds.

Can Sherlock and Harry stop this man once and for all?

How much pain must friendship bear in the face of so much danger?

Another heartfelt and stirring adventure in crime, mystery, friendship and honor in a world of urban fantasy and Steampunk science.

Buy your book now.


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